Tuesday, 30 October 2007

busy bee . . . .

Well last week was manic and I didn't have a chance to be a good blogger lol

Met up with 3 old school friends and their kid's on wednesday which was really nice. We are trying to organise a re-union in Feb for our school year. We all decided that we must be reaching a mid-life crisis and want to relive our youth which is why we have all been trawling through facebook to find people from the past!

On friday I hosted my Pink Pamper Party to raise money for breast cancer awareness. We had a super night with lot's of pink wine and cocktails and managed to raise a 130 quid on the night. Teresa made fabby breast cancer cupcakes and cookies and her work made a donation taking the total money raised to 380!!

Went to my 1st crop on sunday, which was unfortunatly cut short due to Geroge being a little devil for my mum!! Really hope to have a full day soon lol

Well there I've caught up on last week and will try to post again before another week has passed me by!!

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