Sunday, 1 May 2011

Royal Wedding Fever . . .

OMG!! What a dress and what a fantastic day we had.

It was an early start with sausage sarnies and pots of rosie-lee (and bloody mary's for some). I was glued to the TV and even shed a tear of two. My mum laid on a fantastic spread with a little help from her friends. Our resident cupcake queen pulled it out of the bag as usual and I've put on about a million pound just looking at this feast fit for a KING!!

Well while on the theme of weddings it's a great opportunity to catch you up with my wedding which was nearly 2 years ago. Chris and I got married in Mexico on the 2nd of April 2009 we had a fantastic 2 weeks joined by close family and friends. The resort was amazing and my wedding pictures are out of this world.

We had t-shirts made for everyone to wear at the airport . . .

The photographer was with us all day and took photo's of us getting ready . . .

The ceremony . . .

The butterflies . . . I had a box of butterflies to release at the end of the wedding. These were to represent our loved ones that are no longer with us (my Nan, Paul, Chris's Grandad's to name a few)

We had the most amazing wedding in Mexico and a party at home to celebrate with everyone that couldn't come.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Another Easter . . .

. . . is done and dusted!!

We had a fantastic weekend with friends and family and have many photo's of all the Easter fun, but not on my camera lol I'm sure once they are all posted on everyones facebook I can steal them and upload some of them.

I'm looking forward to life getting back to a bit more structure as George is back at school 2moro for 3 days and then its the Royal Wedding. We have a Royal Wedding party planned which I'm really looking forward to. Got to finish icing my Royal Wedding cake for the party this week while George is back at school.

I do have a couple of pictures of the newset edition of our Family which is Paddy. We got him from a rescue home when he was just 6 weeks old . . . He weighed in at 2kg's and was a little bundle of fun. He has chewed up my home, weed and pooed on everything and anything, but he has grown on me and I don't know what we would do without him as he has grown in size my love towards him has also grown. He is coming up for 9 months old now and he has grown to say the least. We were told he was a staffy cross, but the cross is unkown and now I'm starting to think he could be crossed with a great dane or a donkey as he now weighs in at a WHOOOOPING 29kg's!! I wanted a handbag dog (like a real TOWIE) but Chris wanted a 'Mans dog', which he has certainly gown into . . .

Look how big our baby has got!! and we still have 3 months of growing time left. Fingers crossed he doesn't get to big otherwise we will have to build him his own wing in the house.

I feel a bit guilty that Paddy is the 1st set of pictures posted from my last post since 2008, but I think maybe it's easier to work my way backwards through events and he has been one of the latest event's in my life. As Chris and I have been trying for a baby for 2 years and nothing had happened I got him as a substitute baby. We have since found out that we will have to go for IVF to get the real baby in our lives so until then I will have him to dote on and another boy for me to look after, along with George and Chris. Just looking at his picture there I am thinking what a handsome boy he is. Dogs really are mans (womans!!) best friend. He is alway's happy to see me and gives the best huggles on the sofa when I get in late and Chris and George are tucked up in bed. If he was allowed upstairs I'm sure he would make a very good hot water bottle on cold nights lol

Friday, 22 April 2011

Sloppy blogger . . .

I gave myself permission to contribute to my PCC blog so we can make it a bit more personal and each contribute and the boring business stuff can just appear to be sent from the ether and I was informed I already had a blog!! and here it is last updated in 2008!!

So much has happened to me since 2008 it's hard to believe. I've been married for 2 years and have started my own business with Chris and Ros and so much more I can't even start to put it all into words!

Anyway I vow to start blogging again and as I've still been scrapbooking I'll catch up on the event's in the last 3 years via photo's and scrapbook pages!!